Black Screen of Death on Android: How to Revive Your Phone

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The Android black screen of death can happen at any time, and of course this problem is very annoying. You can’t use your Android normally when this problem appears.

Black Screen of Death on Android: How to Revive Your Phone

If you’re an Android user, you should know that one of the problems that can happen anytime is a black screen. This is a big problem. While you get this problem, don’t panic. You can do these things to fix your phone immediately.

Why Android Black Screen of Death?

Android black screen issues will be so annoying. There are some signs that your Android gets a black screen:

  • The device’s notification light continues to blink, but the device does not respond.
  • Your phone screen frequently freezes.
  • The phone frequently reboots or crashes.
  • Your Android battery is rapidly depleting.
  • Your Android restarts on its own and enters a boot loop.

Some users claim that the black screen also works when the phone works but the screen is black. This is a serious issue, but still solvable.

Some causes of the black screen are LCD connectors being loose, critical system errors, incompatible apps installed on your phone, overcharging for a long period, etc.

How To Fix Android Black Screen

Regardless of the reason, there are a few things you can do to get your Android back to normal.

Check Your Device Button

First, you can check the buttons on your device. Make sure they’re not caked with lotion, lint, dirt, or even other debris.

After that, try to free the buttons by pressing them several times in quick succession. The button should depress and release with each press.

Try to thoroughly clean and test the buttons. Last, reboot your Android device.

Clan The Charging Port

Dust and debris could keep your phone from charging properly. So, you can try to clean the charging port.

You can’t try to blow into the charging port gently or use a wooden toothpick. After it’s clean, plug in your phone, let it charge, and try to restart the phone.

Recharge that Battery

The next tip to fix the Android black screen of death is to recharge the battery. Wait until the batteries die completely and the phone shuts down.

Recharge the phone and restart it after fully charging. If the black screen is caused by a critical system error, these tips should get your phone back to normal.

Open Android in Safe Mode

When encountering a black screen problem, the YouTube channel Droigy has tips for fixing it with safe mode. This method can be done if the cause of the problem is because the phone has installed an application that is not compatible with the device. To do this, press the power button. Then long press the Power Off option. Then select Safe Mode. Press the green one. The phone will enter safe mode and turn on again.

If you’ve tried all those tips but it still is not working, you can try to bring the cell phone pair. But, usually, these tips are enough to make your Android black screen of death go back to normal again. /puji